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Fight back

Survival training with improvised weapons to confront shootings on college campuses.

4 Responses to “Fight back”

  1. chrisb Says:

    So they are training them to be cannon fodder. Hos pathetically stupid.

  2. Billy Beck Says:

    Perry Eidelbus jumped that one.

  3. Madrocketscientist Says:

    Ya know what, I’m all for the college students being allowed to carry. I fully support it and encourage it. That being said, the reality is that there will likely be many more shootings before the idea of campus carry becomes anything approaching a common thing.

    Keep in mind the vast majority of college students are kids. They may legally be adults, but they are still used to obeying authority, despite their penchant for doing drugs and underage drinking (both of which are at best misdemeanors). Also, they are all still young enough that they suffer from delusions of immortality. Thinking that a young student will willingly risk expulsion from college over what many view to be as a “Never Event” is asking a lot.

    However, teaching them that they are not helpless is, while not the best thing to do, it is at least something more than, “Run & Hide and Pray that he stops or the cops stop him before he gets to you.”

  4. Cactus Jack Says:

    “The program — which includes a video showing a gunman opening fire in a packed classroom — urges them to be ready to respond to a shooter by taking advantage of the inherent strength in numbers.”

    Twelve rounds of .45 ACP in my pistol’s magazine is MY strength in numbers.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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