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Loud pipes save lives

A bad slogan made into law. It would be kinda neat to have a Prius that sounded like a Harley, though.

Update: And Tam: There oughtta be a law to protect inattentive morons.

Coincidentally, I had to explain to Junior what an idiot was this morning because I used that word in reference to some kid. You see, one idiot child in my subdivision was crossing the street this morning with his head buried in his cell phone or iPod or some such. My truck is much louder than a Prius and if I were as inattentive as said idiot, said idiot might be a squishy spot right now.

3 Responses to “Loud pipes save lives”

  1. Tam Says:

    Hey, don’t give any linky love to the piece he linked to or anything… :p

  2. Gunstar1 Says:

    Just last weekend I was leaving the subdivision and a jogger with her two unleashed dogs were jogging down the middle of the road towards the entrance of the subdivision. She was just listening to her music and had her back to me (the road that anyone leaving the subdivision must travel) and there was no way to go around her as she and her dogs were taking up the road.

    I was both amazed at the human idiot for not paying attention to surroundings while jogging in the middle of the road and the genious of the dog that not only got out of the way but then went back into the road and got the human to pay attention and get out of the way too.

    To that I could only say GOOD DOGGY!

  3. Stormy Dragon Says:

    Aww man, the sneaking up behind people in parking lots game is one of the best parts of owning a hybrid.

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