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Lies in Mass

Anti-gun billboards spread misinformation.

Update: Jeff has more and a pic.

5 Responses to “Lies in Mass”

  1. Robb Allen Says:

    Lies en masse would work too.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Err, yeah, that’s what I was going for. You’re pretty smart for someone from FL! 😉

  3. Robb Allen Says:

    I’m not native, that’s why.

    I’m from Georgia, which while I was there, was actually part of the south. These days? I’m not so sure.

  4. chris Says:

    hey!!! whats wrong with guys from FL?

  5. Weer'd Beard Says:

    John Rosenthal attempted to do JUST what his billboard claims, and nearly got Jailed by the ATF. Turns out nobody would illigally sell a handgun to him in New Hampshire, so he arranged a “Straw Buy” and only CLAIMED to have illigally taken posession of the gun. In Actuality the gun stayed with the legal owner in New Hampshire. More here:

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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