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A recurring theme

Democrats and guns: They’re not getting it.

Well, I sort of agree. Their national leaders are not and have not gotten it. But that’s because their top leadership is from large urban areas and have, quite frankly, been party leaders for far too long. At least Republicans have a higher turnover rate. However, quite a few of the new crop of Democrats do get it, evidenced by this bit at the Politico.

When the old democrats finally go away, I don’t think guns will be such a hot button issue and the party as a whole may show signs of getting it rather than just getting it in certain demographic areas.

4 Responses to “A recurring theme”

  1. LeftWingCracker Says:

    It truly IS a rural-urban issue, because in urban areas like Memphis, A) not only do too many people have guns, the ones who own them for self-defense are more likely to get themselves shot that kill an intruder. Oh, it does happen from time to time, and the TV news always makes it the lead story when it does.

    That’s why I’m not in favor registration, but I am in favor of licensing, if for no other reason than to make sure people who own them know how to operate them and understand the legal ramifications.

    I am a gun owner, by the way…

  2. SayUncle Says:

    the ones who own them for self-defense are more likely to get themselves shot that kill an intruder.

    More likely? That canard has been debunked with regular frequency.

  3. John Hardin Says:


    … more likely to get themselves shot that kill an intruder.

    Is killing an intruder truly the only self defense with a firearm scenario you can imagine? Do you think that scaring them off without firing a shot, or holding them at gunpoint for the police without firing a shot, is not truly self defense?

  4. Chas Says:

    They can’t get it. It’s a matter of identity with them. Democrats want to micromanage people’s lives and that can’t work if people have guns, because people with guns can say “no” and mean it.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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