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The view sucks

Nike is pulling an ad because it offends homosexuals. Here’s a pic of the ad.

I have no comment that doesn’t involve the phrases tea bagging or salad tossing. So, I’ll just shut up now.

Update: And in the event you are not familiar with those terms, I recommend that you do not under any circumstance Google them. And you should get out more. Or your wife probably hasn’t made you watch Sex and the City.

11 Responses to “The view sucks”

  1. Breda Says:

    I don’t care if you’re gay or straight or whatever – putting your genitals in someone’s face (when it’s not specifically requested) is just plain rude.

  2. Squeaky Wheel Says:

    Oh, my god…I laughed so hard at that photo! That’s hysterical!

  3. CL Says:

    There’s always the urban dictionary!!

  4. ATLien Says:

    I don’t get it. they’re just using one of the bes dunks EVER to sell their shoes. It really has nothing to do with gayness. it’s more of a sarcastic “that wasn’t nice to dunk on (and posterize) a 7′ frenchman in the olympics”

  5. rpcmig Says:

    Sorry, I didn’t know what “teabagging” meant.

    And you know what happens when you tell someone not to do something, such as- “don’t think of a pink elephant”.

    I Googled it. I should have listened.

  6. Micheal Says:

    It amazes me what is or isn’t allowed to be made fun or mockery of now and days. You can make fun of Christians, but not Muslims. You can make fun of men, just as long as they are white. You can make fun of Jews, for nobody likes the Jews – right. You can of straight men, but not women or gays – either male or female ( which I know are called lesbians).

    The point I am trying to covey is , how some groups are more protected than others, yet isn’t it liberals who want diversity, inclusiveness, and understanding among all.

  7. Lyle Says:

    It says right in the ad that “that ain’t right” so what’s the big woof?

    I can’t decide which is more obnoxious– the ad or the fact that they pulled it to avoid offending some special, protected group.

    I think they should reinstate the ad so as to avoid offending free speech advocates. Or maybe they could just do a “Piss Christ” ad, along with some Maplethorpe photos– those are cool.

    Uncle; you should pull your blog– I’ve seen one or two things here that offended me. This comment, for example, I find highly offensive.

  8. Standard Mischief Says:

    This is the exact same ad agency (Wieden & Kennedy) that stole intellectual property from Discord’s Minor Threat about three years ago.

    I guess you’re not “edgy” if you don’t piss someone off. Why don’t they just stick to offending white male protestants?

  9. tgirsch Says:

    I made the mistake of googling “two girls one cup” once… I liked life better when I lived under a rock…

  10. Number9 Says:

    That isn’t gay. That’s air.

    All I thought was, how do you jump that high?

    Must be the shoes.

  11. Joe Huffman Says:

    There are far worse things. Felching for example.

    Don’t look that up unless you want to have involuntary shudders to run through your body at random times. Then you would have to come up with a way to explain the shudders to your S.O.

    Don’t ask me how I know.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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