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So, the wealthy suburbs of Chicago keep repealing their gun bans. Chicago was all set to fight their gun ban. But, now, it looks like Daley may give up:

Mayor Daley today cracked the door open to abandoning the costly fight to uphold Chicago’s 1982 handgun freeze—if he can fashion a replacement ordinance that protects the safety of first-responders.

I am confused how the law-abiding having guns is a danger to first-responders. And:

Now that both suburbs have thrown in the towel—and newspaper editorials have urged Daley to do the same to save millions in legal costs on a fight he cannot win—the mayor appears to be having second thoughts.

Here’s one such editorial. Thirdpower notes they’ve given up on even appearing objective.

3 Responses to “Strategery”

  1. Hartley Says:

    The comments to that article are worth a pain of reading it… It would appear Mayor Daley is not beloved in Chicago..

  2. straightarrow Says:

    Somebody must like him, he keeps getting elected, and it can’t all be cemetery voters.

  3. Scott K Says:

    “protects the safety of first-responders”

    Since the “first-responders” are the people who happen to be on the scene – crime victims, bystanders, etc. – allowing^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H not preventing them from carrying defensive weapons IS protecting their safety.

    The second-responders (cops) will just have to learn to deal with it.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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