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Ethical Boundaries

Thirdpower notes the recent mailer from the Brady Campaign To Use Tragedy To Get Donations is full of righteous indignation because the evil gun lobby may have deceived them. Third reminds them of their own bouts of dishonesty.

Meanwhile, Xrlqy Wrlqy says we should maintain the moral high ground and not lie just because the other side does.

And, speaking of lying, this is hysterical:

This reinforces what we have long known, that the gun lobby will go to any lengths, no matter how unethical, to protect the profits of the gun industry in this country, even at the expense of the over 30,000 Americans who lose their lives to gun violence each year

So, how much deception is in that one sentence?

3 Responses to “Ethical Boundaries”

  1. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    Suicide is gun violence? I guess….

    There’s no limit to their willingness to play fast and loose.

  2. nk Says:

    Well … actually … ahem … “the gun lobby will go to any lengths, no matter how unethical, to protect the profits of the gun industry in this country” by restricting imports no matter how much it may hurt the gun owner.

    Xrlq is more qualified to discuss this than I am but it has gone as far as denying participation to gun importers in liability insurance pools.

  3. Ron W Says:

    The use of a gun in lawful self-defense is also “gun violence” and the mere presence of the possibility of gun violence saves far more lives than all kinds of “gun violence”. If my life or that of my family is threatened, I plan to either brandish the means of “gun violence” to deter or thwart the criminal(s) or actually use “gun violence”. That application of “gun violence” is good!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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