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First registrant in DC

Profile of first person to register a firearm in DC at the Examiner. Of course, readers here knew about it last week.

3 Responses to “First registrant in DC”

  1. Sailorcurt Says:

    One thing they didn’t mention: She’s a VCDL member (item 2).

  2. Nylarthotep Says:

    I find it strange that she was surprised that Heller didn’t bring in his gun. Frankly, with DC’s record, I wouldn’t have either. I’d want written assurances that it was legal.

    I also don’t understand how she carried the pistol into the police station concealed. How does that work?

    Not surprising the police are doing “ballistic tests” on all the guns. I’m guessing they are creating their own ballistics data base. Not like that will help in any of the large number of gun crimes still happening in DC.

    Well, at least Heller got his permit started. I’m wondering why it would take several weeks to do a back ground check.

  3. Nancy Says:

    They are really taking their time doing the background check but it’s worth it as they can’t stall things forever

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