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More Heller Stuff

Looks like challenges of DC’s new law have already been promised.


And my sooper seekrit sources tell me that the first person to register a firearm in DC is a woman by the name of *redacted*. There are supposed to be two interviews with her, one from NRA News and one from the Washington Times. I haven’t found them yet.

Update: Due to reasons pointed out in comments, name is gone.

9 Responses to “More Heller Stuff”

  1. Bitter Says:

    The NRA News interview is on their website. It was during last night’s episode, and I believe the first interview of the evening. If you click the link, get through the intro message, then click on the banner to listen to the last show.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    So, NRA hasn’t figured out this whole direct link thing still?


  3. Bitter Says:

    The Bureaucracy, let me show you it. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. RAH Says:

    I saw the interview on the news with the woman who registered a handgun but she had no video above the waist and wanted her name withheld.

    So unless she has changed her mind, it might not be good to release her name. She may get harrased by lefties etc.

  5. SayUncle Says:

    Good point, RAH. redacted.

  6. Standard Mischief Says:

    That’s why I, you know, emailed you the link to Heller’s application instead of just posting the link by myself in comments

    Though Dick Anthony Heller had previously decide to be a public person, and the denied application was posted by his own lawyer. So perhaps it does not matter. I should have explained myself

    On the redacted person, well I’ve got a DC address and phone #, a neighborhood interest story in the WaPo, a photo of a house she may have bought this year, and a bit of other stuff. Not planning to release all that.

    There’s nothing like what you said was coming. Google snooze alert set.

    No indication yet that she plans to be a pubic person. If she is the one person that actually brought a handgun in for the hoop jumping and roadblock dodging, well I made a mistake, she did get to keep her firearm, but she’s not allowed to use it in self-defense or keep it in a functional state.

    So if she gets harassed by lefties, at least while home, she’s armed.

  7. Standard Mischief Says:

    Bitter was right, Cam did do an interview and the lady in question only used her first name, so I don’t think she’s ready to be all activist, all the time.

    A jovial bird told me what her email address was but I don’t want to freak her out by contacting her to congratulate her. Maybe she’ll read this.

  8. Rand Says:

    Too late. Her name is already on google – blog search.

  9. emdfl Says:

    I talked to the woman at a local gun show. She said she took a .357 revolver in to register. She carried it in in a blue grocery bag (as she didn’t want to be bothered by the press) and walked right by them and into the station. She said that the officers inside the station were very helpful and did everything they could to make her feel comfortable.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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