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Post Heller DC

Gun registration starts tomorrow morning. Looks like a slow, tedious, bureaucratic process designed to be as big a pain in the ass as possible. Get ready for Heller 2.

15 Responses to “Post Heller DC”

  1. nk Says:

    We’re pushing from one side and they’re pushing from the other. There was a Brown vs. Board of Education I and a Brown vs. Board of Education II. Heller II might take two or three years more. Vote for McCain.

  2. Gregory Morris Says:

    Any bloggers gonna be at police headquarters reporting on the turnout? Wish I could be there.

  3. ParatrooperJJ Says:

    I would think the semiauto ban would fall pretty quickly. If I remember correctly, Heller was trying to register a semiauto so his case would be directly applicable.

  4. Master of Obvious Says:

    Heller will be first in line, I assume???!?!?!!!

  5. Standard Mischief Says:

    When life hands you crap, you turn it into a way to make non-felons turn in their firearms. An excerpt from the linked article:

    An officer from the gun unit will meet the applicant at the door and take temporary possession of the gun to ensure safety at headquarters.

    Officers will tag the gun and conduct ballistics tests before returning the gun to the owner. Paperwork indicating that registration is in process will be provided.

    That last sentence there leads me to believe that the police will hold on to the firearms for weeks until they are reluctantly forced to return them.

    After the DC pigs take a crowbar to your wallet, fingerprint you and do the anal probing, and take your gun away, leaving you with only the “paperwork indicating that registration is in process” that you can use to protect yourself from crime, is someone going to sue?

    Can I get an opinion from one of the members of the League of Legal Critters that infest this blog? Or do they not have “standing”?

  6. Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner Says:

    I wonder about that too. Just what sort of “ballistics test” might they be conducting? I don’t remember any reference to that on the Metro P.D. web page that I read concerning firearm registration.

  7. chris Says:

    and 14 days to do a FBI check? thought that could be done in about 2 minutes… unless they arent using the NICS?

  8. Lyle Says:

    The background check for a concealed carry license in Idaho takes several weeks. The check for an NFA weapon can take three months. NICCS is a seperate matter.

    All they did in NOLA was lose most of the “paperwork”. That’s pretty easy.

    Right after the Heller decision I pointed out that the DC government’s worst fear now would be a noticeable drop in crime once people start keeping loaded guns. I said they’d either do anything in their power to prevent that outcome, or they’d try to hide/deny it, or they’d try to take credit for it.

    It seems they’re taking the first option. So long as individuals in the DC government pay no price for their Jim Crow style behavior toward gun owners, they will continue on this path. They’ll have to be either voted out, sued personally, or charged with legal violations. I’d prefer to see all three.

    I think the ballistics test requires the gun to withstand the impact from a 20 ton drop forge. If it comes through completely undamaged, you can keep it.

  9. Robert Says:

    I go in, fully rigged for audio tape with a group. I’d bring a recorder person as the decoy, unless the let him tape and record the process.
    When they refuse to be videoed, there’s one suit.

    First guy tries to register a cheap 38 revolver. If they won’t let you leave the building with your own gun during THAT time period, I would announce that I have decided NOT to register my gun and want to leave. They will seize it. Sue.

    Second guy has an obscure calibered handgun or rifle. No ammo. It’s something they won’t be able to find ammo for- say a jap 6.5X50 bolt rifle or a beat to hell mauser 7.65. Let them solve their ballistics problem by finding their own ammo. When they can’t, and the time runs long, sue.

  10. Robert Says:

    These folks are the exact equivalent to the worst civil-rights violators in history.

  11. K-Romulus Says:

    Well, that’s no surprise. According to the Washington Post, THE BRADY CAMPAIGN had a hand in these “Revamped” gun laws.

    The rules announced yesterday bring the District closer to gun restrictions in cities such as Chicago, said Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

    His staff huddled with the District on the regulations, but Helmke said it is uncertain which parts would withstand constitutional muster. Firearms may be banned, the majority opinion in the Heller case maintained, only if the weapons are “unusual and dangerous.”

    “It’s not clear what that means,” Helmke said. “This is the problem with getting the courts involved. These are usually issues that are determined by elected officials.”

    Gun-rights advocates said after the ruling that they would immediately target other jurisdictions with similar laws, and those favoring gun control were encouraged by the acknowledgment that reasonable restrictions on guns are allowed.

    The District is trying to determine where the line is, and it is trying to push it as far as it can go.

    Cities such as Chicago, THAT STILL HAVE HANDGUN BANS . . .DUH

  12. ATLien Says:

    There is only one good response: armed resistance. Or an invasion by another state to liberate DC.

  13. anon Says:

    According to NBC4, Heller was denied registration…

  14. Vote For David Says:

    ATLien: that’s as bad an idea for a publicly expressed sentiment as one of my ex-co-workers who liked to joke about offing Hillary when she was still in the running.

    Jokes are only funny until you are advocating armed overthrow of the gummint. Then the only ones don’t like you so much.


  15. ATLien Says:

    Gee, David, now we know whose side YOU would have been on in 1776.

    Hint: Not the winning side.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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