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Seen in Chicago

Commenter Craig:

First, I don’t own a gun. I don’t have a FOID card. I don’t belong to the NRA.

But how on earth are gun laws protecting citizens? Bruce, read your own paper. How many people have been shot over the past week? Year? Yeah, that gun ban is really working.

5 Responses to “Seen in Chicago”

  1. Weisenheimer Brainstorm Says:

    The logical disconnect of the gun banners here in Chicago reminds me of something Taranto likes to says at WSJ online about politicians not understanding why prisons are full even though crime is way down. Hello. Cause, meet effect. Is this thing on?

  2. Corey Says:

    The rest of the comments attached to that piece are brilliant – that “journalist” has been torn a new one.

  3. Illinois voter Says:

    Well you can suggest to him what the Illinois state police suggest to our woman folk if the are sexually assaulted:

    There is documentation of assailants that left a would-be-victim alone after she told him that she was pregnant and it would kill her baby. (Some case were women that were too old to even have a baby.)
    Telling an attacker that you have VD or AIDS can discourage him.
    It may sound disgusting, but putting your fingers into you throat and making yourself vomit usually gets results. (This method is not often used except as a last resort.)

    useful defense weapons.

    nail file
    rat tail comb
    teasing brush
    pens and pencils
    anything rigid

    Or just bend over and kiss something goodbye….

  4. Illinois voter Says:

    Sorry somehow that link got messed up. It will lead you to the ISP pages that has those recommendations.

  5. Rob K Says:

    This guy’s comment is exactly why we’ll win, as long as we keep up the battle.

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