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Seen at Bane’s:

Paul Erhardt, Erhardt & Associates: “Handgun competition shooters now outnumber shotgun competition shooters…competition shooters are the super-users…hunters may be very avid, but they’re not going to shoot a lot during the season…Todd Jarrett, in preparing for the Steel Challenge, will shoot 30,000 rounds of ammunition…to give you an idea of how many rounds USPSA shooters might shoot, based on their most recent classifier scores, the rough but conservative estimate is that in the last 60 days those 20000 classifier scores amount more than a million rounds downrange…16,000 members of USPSA spent approxmately $45 million just on that sport last year

One Response to “Handgunners”

  1. Rivrdog Says:

    Shotgun competition may be falling on hard times. My club, douglas Ridge Rifle Club, has closed all it’s shotgun ranges because an ecotard with an ax to grind complained to the EPA that the activity was polluting the ground with lead.

    At the least, I see a rapid switch to the more expensive, non-lead forms of shot (which fly differently, so every competitor will have to re-learn scattergunning).

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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