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Half Empty


This is pretty much the outcome most of us expected–an individual rights ruling that leaves the door open for gun control

And also leaves the door open for challenging existing gun controls.

8 Responses to “Half Empty”

  1. straightarrow Says:

    And we had better get on that challenging thing pretty damn quickly, before the gunbanners realize the court just handed them a template to infringe that which “shall not be infringed” and have it upheld by the court. Our work is actually now much tougher because the decision left many markers as to which restrictions would “satisfy” the court’s reading of the second.

  2. David Codrea Says:

    I object to that characterization. I specifically speculate on the Chicago handgun ban as a potential challenge this will enable, and that this will open the door to other challenges. Who knows as we start to analyze this and as we see real world developments what will happen?

    I do note there is no guarantee that future challenges will be heard, and that’s just a fact.

    I would not object to the characterization of “Half”. I think it’s a qualified win but no one ever expected the status quo to change on the limited question put to the court, and I have been consistent on this from Day One, and indeed, before any of us ever heard of Heller. I don’t see where that puts me at odds with stuff you’ve said here.

  3. SayUncle Says:

    David, I personally, after reading it, find it better than i expected.

  4. Steve Ramsey Says:

    The next step?

    Assure that “common use” trumps “sporting purposes”.

    The best way to do that?

    Buy evil black rifles. ( a little less evil after today)

    The gun grabbers will try to put the best possible spin on this, they already are “there goes the NRS’s slippery slope arguement”. Heard that today already.

    We have broken through the line, and are in the enemy’s rear. We are in the exploitation phase of the battle, and it’s time now to commit the reserves.

  5. Chas Says:

    This gives us the rock of an irrefutable, individual right upon which to build. The old, militia canard is gone, gone, gone – swept off the planet by the court’s ruling. The anti’s lost their legs today – they can no longer move towards prohibition. They can still fritter around the edges and do a lot of damage, but their hope for the change of universal prohibition is longer plausible.
    Can we have guns? Yes we can! Now that’s change we can believe in!

  6. Dad Says:

    I know that today’s ruling by the Supreme Court has made a lot of people happy but what bothers me is that 4 members that swore an oath to uphold and defend the constitution almost done away with the second amendment. A battle was won but not the war.

  7. Stormy Dragon Says:

    The old, militia canard is gone, gone, gone – swept off the planet by the court’s ruling.

    It’s only gone until a court with one more liberal decides that the ‘notoriously political’ Roberts court’s decision in this matter cannot be considered binding precedent, especially when itself ignores the militia precedent in Miller*

    * – Yes, I know this isn’t what Miller says, but that’s how it will be characterized when it comes time to ignore this ruling.

  8. SayUncle Says:

    Stormy, and so is everything else.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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