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Phoning it in. I wanted…

Phoning it in. I wanted to see if could actually blog by talking into my telephone using the handy new Jott software program, listen

Powered by Jott

Update: This part is typed. But how cool is that? I called a toll free number on my cell phone and spoke a post. Neat. Might have to try harder words.

Update 2: Now, I can blog from anywhere.

I just need to figure out how to do the linky.

9 Responses to “Phoning it in. I wanted…”

  1. Nomen Nescio Says:

    yeah, works for you native speakers. if i tried it, what with my accent, the comment i left would end up transcribed as “bork, bork, bork”.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    so, what is your native language? You type english very well.

    BTW, notice it even put a comma in there? And it understands is not jott dot com.

  3. Robert Says:

    I’m excited to be part of this process.

  4. Linoge Says:

    Hell, I am a native speaker, and I can guaranfrakingtee it would come out gibberish.

  5. Yuri Orlov Says:

    That is really cool!

  6. Manish Says:

    I just need to figure out how to do the linky.

    presumably by spelling out the HTML (i.e. “square bracket?!?a href equals….”)

  7. Robb Allen Says:

    Ellen, is that offer for all of us bloggers or Uncle in particular?

  8. Robb Allen Says:

    Great, now my comment looks all wonky.

    Can’t a man have fun with spammers?

  9. Justin Buist Says:

    Wow, it’ll do links! Just sent myself a test email. Less than A space h-r-e-f quote h-t-t-p- etc…. it picked it all up.

    I wonder if it understands “backspace?”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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