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NYC and Chicago politicos get ready for a butt-hurtin*

Given that Heller is pending, the next two cities with the most onerous of gun controls will be challenged on their gun laws. Additionally, I’d expect some other lower courts to again be challenged. First up, is NYC. A challenge to the Sullivan Act, the best gun control a corrupt syphilitic with paranoid delusions could create.

Then, Chicago:

But what’s not often reported by the decidedly pro-gun-control media is that since Chicago’s anti-handgun law went into effect in 1982, only two classes of people have had ready access to firearms:

The criminals. And the politicians.

Also passed its gun controls for those nice and corrupt reasons.

* thanks to Wachel Wucas, that’s one of my new favorite terms.

2 Responses to “NYC and Chicago politicos get ready for a butt-hurtin*”

  1. bob r Says:

    But what’s not often reported by the decidedly pro-gun-control media is that since Chicago’s anti-handgun law went into effect in 1982, only two classes of people have had ready access to firearms:

    The criminals. And the politicians.

    He said “two classes of people”. What’s the second class?

  2. Weer'd Beard Says:

    And Mass so I can take the trigger locks off my home defence guns!

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