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A first

Today, for the first time, I rejected a blog ad. It was one of those 9-11 truther sites with a Kucinich fetish. Thought I’d share.

11 Responses to “A first”

  1. Tom Says:

    Thanks for saving us from ourselves.

    What would we do without big parents brother?

  2. Bitter Says:

    I don’t think it’s a matter of saving you readers from yourselves. I think it’s a matter of not wanting to be part of their propaganda efforts. I rejected the same ad just because I didn’t want it running on my blog.

  3. Kevin Baker Says:

    You’re part of the conspiracy!

    (How much does it pay?)

  4. Murdoc Says:

    I’ve only rejected three ads ever on my sites (well, one of them I rejected about ten times) and only when it’s far-out looniness or of an inappropriate (such as borderline pron) nature.

    Hotties in T-shirts are okay. Michael Moore books are okay, though they don’t get as many clicks as the T-shirt ads. But there is a line and I’ve seen ads on other sites that I wouldn’t run on mine for a number of different reasons. Hard to quantify, but very real.

    I also click through every once in a while to verify that the ad is for what it says it is and that the landing location hasn’t been switched on me. It’s quite subjective.

    Sort of a “I know it when I see it” thing.

  5. Tam Says:

    I see “Tom” flunked AmGov 101 in high school.

  6. Lyle Says:

    Yeah– how much is Halliburton paying you?

  7. Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner Says:

    Speaking of idiots, I see that Dennis has just presented Articles of Impeachment.

  8. Tom Says:

    and just how did I do that “Tam”?

    Oh, let me guess, my comment somehow implies that the government was behind the rejecting of an ad on a private website? Sure. Now allow me to introduce the flippant sarcastic comment made in relation to the kind of post that could pass as news in the government controlled mainstream media world.

    Also, perhaps the pot should find a better kettle

  9. Guav Says:

    Good, those people are made of stupid.

  10. Murdoc Says:

    Tom: If I offer you $50 to wear a T-shirt for the political candidate of my choice and you decline, does that make you Big Brother?

  11. GrumpyUnk Says:

    Please, enough of the Big Brother Bullshit. This is Uncle’s house. If he doesn’t like people with shit on their boots messing up the carpet then that’s his call.

    WTF is so hard to understand about that?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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