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States’ Rights

ATF has told Nevada that possession of a handgun carry permit is not a substitute for a national instant background check. That’s pretty lame for a variety of reasons, one of these reasons being that handgun carry permit holders break the law less than non permit holders.

4 Responses to “States’ Rights”

  1. karrde Says:

    I don’t think my home state (usually called the Great Lakes State) tried that one with the Feds.

    Though there is this State-required “License to Purchase a Pistol” thing that most purchasers of pistols have to acquire from a friendly Police Department before purchasing. But the State happily waives that for holders of Concealed Pistol Licenses.

    I thought it was a little weird that the License to Purchase involved running the purchaser’s name through the State PD’s crime check before the FFL runs the purchaser’s name through the FBI’s NICS. I guess the State system may have been put in place before the NICS was, or someone shrugged and said “belt AND suspenders…good.”

  2. Rob K Says:

    That happened here in Indiana after the lifetime permit was added. Our carry permits used to be good to get out of the NICS check, but no longer…

  3. chris Says:

    i cant see the .pdf file for some reason…

    but that aside…

    this is why we need to get rid of all this “states rights” BS… the 1st amendment is a federal law that stipulates that the right to keep and bear arms “shall not be infringed”… if that were supposed to mean “only by the federal government” they would have worded it like the 1st amendment and said “congress shall make no law”… but they didnt…

    as such, what we need is to get rid of ALL of the state laws regarding this crap… we need a national CCW, a national standard of what places are prohibited, a national open carry law, etc etc… this craptastic jumble of laws that we have now is silly and unconstitutional…

    it is also a shame when we as gun owners start seeing things like the new GA laws or the TN bar carry law as a victory… they arent a victory…they are a regaining of a right that we as a society should have never let go…

    a victory would be a total repeal of all state gun laws, and a total re-vamp of federal laws under a very strict scrutiny… repeal the NFA, the 1986 GCA, the moronic felon in possession laws (though that one will take a complete revamp of the criminal system too), and getting rid of this patchwork of laws across the nation…

    im all for states rights, but under the 10th amendment, rights that are not expressly reserved to the federal government are left to the states or to the people… well the 2nd amendment specifically leaves gun rights to the people…

  4. chris Says:

    sorry, i mistyped my second sentence… that should say “the 2nd amendment is a federal law”

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