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Mission unpossible

Another shooting in London?

Speaking of Mediocre Britain, an anti-gun activist has been stabbed to death.

Cannon, 200 illegal firearms, and explosives in Germany.

5 Responses to “Mission unpossible”

  1. Breda Says:

    They say you shouldn’t bring a knife to a gunfight but a bringing a gun to a knifefight seems like a terrific idea. If only that woman had some way to protect herself.

  2. Laughingdog Says:

    canon: 1. an ecclesiastical rule or law enacted by a council or other competent authority and, in the Roman Catholic Church, approved by the pope.
    2. the body of ecclesiastical law.

    cannon: 1. a mounted gun for firing heavy projectiles; a gun, howitzer, or mortar.

  3. JJR Says:

    The anti stabbing UK story was pretty freaky…the guy had been arrested (and released!!?) earlier THE SAME DAY for stabbing a railway worker in the arm at a train station. How do you get arrested for aggravated assault w/ a deadly weapon and RELEASED THE SAME DAY?! In the USA, that guy would still be cooling his jets in the county lock-up, probably calling his grandma for bail money instead of plotting her murder. If the “anti” granny had kept a revolver in her purse, and could’ve made it plain to her grandson that he was “bringing a knife to a gun fight”, she would be exposed as a justly embarrassed hypocrite, but at least she’d still be alive. Instead, morbidly, I guess you could say she died for her ueber-pacifist principles…most Americans, by contrast, would rather refuse to become a victim in the first place.

    This story being set in the UK, though, the obvious lesson drawn will be that the UK gov’t needs to crack down and ban ALL KNIVES. Pointy sticks will require a 10 day advance permit.

  4. SayUncle Says:

    thank you, mr. language person!

  5. Corey Says:

    This story being set in the UK, though, the obvious lesson drawn will be that the UK gov’t needs to crack down and ban ALL KNIVES.

    They’re already ahead of you

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