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Ok, I’ll call you crazy

I’m going to have to ask you to leave the internet. You’re just too stupid.

Summing up an anti-gunner’s thoughts: What gets me is that if you allow people to carry weapons into our national treasures, what is to stop the bad guy from doing the same; and then the escalation starts

Via David.

13 Responses to “Ok, I’ll call you crazy”

  1. Robb Allen Says:

    I read that and was too pissed off to comment without using terms better fitted for Tourettes Awareness month.

    Seems like he’s getting quite the tongue lashing, though. My favorite so far (can’t read ’em all since his blog is having issues) is

    “What do you think stops the criminals now? Elves?”

  2. Vote For David Says:

    Yes, actually. And the Ents.

    Guys, it doesn’t help to get mad at a mental blank. Remember: for the Leftist, history starts this morning. Education is the only cure, and it must be applied on a case-by-case basis.

    Unfortunately for Our Side, they are breeding.


  3. Kevin Baker Says:

    Here’s my comment.

  4. DirtCrashr Says:

    He must enjoy being spanked. Minneapolis – I thought there was more gravity there but maybe the twin-cities label is a reference to bi-polarism.

  5. tonymck Says:

    Robb Allen”terms better fitted for Tourettes Awareness month” That’s funny

  6. Lyle Says:

    I am very impressed by the comments over there. Really good job, all. Keep up the good work. This is what it’s all about– punking the fools who think that feel-good drivel can substitute for reason and liberty, and doing so with thoughtful and educated responses.

  7. Chas Says:

    Markie Marxist sez: “Actually, he makes perfect sense. You just have to realize that from the Marxist perspective, the so-called “good guys” (private citizens with guns) *are* the bad guys.”

  8. mike W. Says:

    Looks like yet another anti-gun blog bites the dust…..

  9. Linoge Says:

    Wow… that was fast!

  10. Nylarthotep Says:

    “Soulless Letters?” I’d call it “mindless letters.”

    I suppose this is the rhetoric you get from a 9-5 poet. Sheesh.

    It is entertaining though that Google Cache lets you continue to see his poor reasoning even if he abandoned ship.

  11. DJK Says:

    He couldn’t stand the heat…

    I got a comment in….and then BOOM, gone. (not taking credit)

  12. DJK Says:

    Hmmm is this his other blog?

  13. SayUncle Says:

    seems to be

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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