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Here in my car

The Second really digs the movie Cars. Like, a lot. Too much. On Monday, for instance, we watched it three times and it’s a two hour movie. And when we wants to watch the movie he starts saying the word Cars over and over.

Cars Cars Cars Cars Cars Cars

Anyway, he was saying that the other day. The Mrs. looks at Junior and says: I don’t think he knows any other words.

Junior looks at the Mrs. and says: He knows bubbles.

5 Responses to “Here in my car”

  1. Squeaky Wheel Says:

    My cousin was obsessed with that movie when he was around 2 or 3, and would run around the house yelling the lines. It played in the background all through Thanksgiving last year. Over, and over, and over, and over…

    I have to admit, the tractor-tippin’ was funny, though.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    I actually noticed a dirty joke in the movie after seeing it 70,000 times.

    McQueen: You won 3 Piston Cups.

    Mater: He did what in his cup?

  3. Rustmeister Says:

    Welcome to the world of repetitive movie watching.

    I can’t remember the ones my kid used to watch as they’ve been blocked from my mind forever, but I do remember it happening.

  4. rick Says:

    For my daughter, it was Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast.” When Molly wanted to watch it, she’d drone “Beeeeaaaassst!” Drove the wife batty – she’d sing along with her own version of the lyrics (“up yours! up yours!” instead of “Bonjour! Bonjour!” for example).

  5. nk Says:

    Netflix is your friend. (Not that we haven’t bought a lot of kids’s DVDs that go to the school used book sale or to Goodwill after a while, too.) The mailman brings “a surprise” and the former movie is forgotten. I like BBC’s Nature series with David Attenborough, myself. Did you know that spiders and scorpions are “arcahinds” (sic) and not insects?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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