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On weekend blogging and why it’s light

Tam discovered something I realized long ago:

Write something good on a Monday morning and it can get noticed, linked, emailed, spread around; if it gets good enough word of mouth you can wind up basking in the glory of an Instalanche or some other bigtime linky love… Friday night? Not likely.

Yup. I sit on stuff on the weekends and post it on higher traffic days.

3 Responses to “On weekend blogging and why it’s light”

  1. retro Says:

    Ahhhh go ahead, be daring! Break free from the herd and post something groundbreaking on a Saturday!

  2. Chris Byrne Says:

    If I don’t have a good one out by Thursday afternoon, I hold it for Monday. I’m pretty sure we all do.

  3. Linoge Says:

    Well, that explains why my weblog never really gets traffic – I do most of my writing on the weekend.

    *considers future-dating things…*

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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