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Progressiveville update

Some people ask why I refer to KnoxViews as “Progressiveville”. Far left liberals have “literal interpretation syndrome”. They lack the ability to nuance anything that has certain liberal keywords. Few blogs have such predictable knee jerk reactions as KnoxViews.

Case in point. Rich Hailey writes a good post asking important questions about modern voter apathy. But he uses a word which activates the “Progressive Citizens Brigade” aka the people of Progressiveville. You see, in todays enlightened age you cannot say “poll tax”, even in a historical reference. If you do for any reason you will be called a racist and a sexist.

This is modern liberalism. They see themselves as the deciders. They will chose the words of the social lexicon. They will decide which words are appropriate. God help you if you use the wrong word.

18 Responses to “Progressiveville update”

  1. Sean Braisted Says:

    Regardless of whether he had racist motives, the statement “In essence, the poll tax ensured that the folks exercising the franchise had a vested interest in good governance, and the low salaries ensured that the men running for office were capble individuals in their fields.” Is just plain wrong.

    In Memphis for example, Boss Crump got his political power by paying the poll tax for blacks so that they would vote for his candidate.

    The poll tax is just an avenue for corruption which allows politicians or political bosses to buy support of poor people; which leads heavily to patronage and other programs.

  2. # 9 Says:

    Are you projecting Sean? What I see is that Conservatives are not allowed to use any metaphors that have a basis in history less they offend the tender psyches of the uber elite liberals.

    The question is, who made the elite liberals the deciders? Did I miss the memo?

    I am so tired of the idea that our Constitutional Federalist Republic is wrong because the people who created it had slaves and would not let women vote.

    I haven’t seen much perfection from your side of the aisle.

    Make a case for that. I want to see it.

  3. anon Says:

    “They will decide which words are appropriate.”

    If you can control the words used, you can control the thoughts expressed.
    Orwell’s ‘1984’ covered this pretty well.

  4. Sean Braisted Says:


    I’m not sure what you are referring to, I was debating the merits of the poll tax. I don’t think its racist to bring it up, but I don’t think it was effective at getting us better elected officials.

  5. Eric Says:

    Re: Which words you are allowed to use:

    See this story:

    Short course: Indiana U student who also works as janitor was reading a book (available in the school library) while on break from his duties. The book dealt with how in 1924 Notre Dame students whupped up on KKKers who went to South Bend to ralla at the Catholic school.

    However, because the book mentioned the Klan, someone complained the student was racially harrassing her (I believe it was a her — I read the original story some months ago). Student was found guilty of racial harrassment by University’s affirmative action officer, who never looked at the book. Took FIRE, the ACLU, and another group I think, several months to get the IU to smarten up. BTW, his union, the AFSCME, did not back him up.

    I am embarrassed, but not surprised, that my alma mater diid this. They probably wonder why they do not get any money from me.

  6. rich Says:

    Sean, how about if I rephrased to say “In essence, the original intent of the poll tax was to ensure that the folks exercising the franchise had a vested interest in good governance, and the low salaries ensured that the men running for office were capable individuals in their fields.”

    Would that answer your objections? I’m fully aware of the perversions of voter qualifications in the past. However, I am also convinced that we had better government during the first 100 years of our nation than the second, and the third is already looking to be the worst ever. If you agree that our government has declined over the last 200+ years, then you must agree that there is a positive correlation between the expansion of the electorate and the decline of our political leaders. Whether that correlation is causal or not is worthy of debate, but it is hard to even bring up the issue without charges of racism flying around.

  7. # 9 Says:

    This idea we cannot discuss history without being racist shows how mixed up the elites are. Only they choose the words of the lexicon because they are the deciders. It is a little funny but it is more sad than funny. Such incredible conceit.

  8. Sean Braisted Says:


    The problem is the poll tax wasn’t instituted until after the 15th Amendment passed.

    There never was a noble purpose to the poll tax, it was a measure of control instituted by the ruling parties at the time to ensure that they could maintain power.

    Now, you can make an argument against the direct election of the President, you could make an argument against the popular election of US Senators…but simply put the poll tax was never meant to be a good Government tool, it was a tool of oppression on both poor whites and blacks.


    Stop being a baby and suck it up….the “elites” are not out to get you, say whatever you damn well please, just don’t start crying for your momma’s tit when people make a counter argument.

  9. # 9 Says:

    say whatever you damn well please

    Be serious Sean. The goal of extremists liberals is to control the language. Always has been. How did “politically correct speech” get started? It sure did not come from Conservatives.

    Rich’s post is an excellent example of another thought crime. Shame on you Rich for thinking without a liberal “thinking license”. You have offended so many people who care about diversity and the down trodden.

    We must pay for the sins of the past even thought we had nothing to do with those sins. It is our cross to bear. For diversity. And the children.

  10. Sean Braisted Says:


    So he got called a racist, big effing deal…I don’t think it was racist, but when you look favorably on the poll tax, an institution of the Jim Crow era, its hard not to see the racial aspect. After all, he seems to be endorsing the notion that the country was better off when rich white guys were the only ones making the decisions.

    Democrats are called socialists and communists all the time for saying stuff that has nothing at all to do with controlling the means of production. Man up already.

  11. # 9 Says:

    So he got called a racist, big effing deal…I don’t think it was racist…

    Big effing deal? It is a big deal. It is restricting thought and language.

  12. gemini Says:

    I am so tired of the idea that our Constitutional Federalist Republic is wrong because the people who created it had slaves and would not let women vote.

    I’d be tired of it too – if any of those “elites” at “progressiveville” actually said it. Or maybe you can point me to a quote I missed.

    Seriously, Nine, you sound like you’re absolutely frothing at the mouth. Have a drink or something.

    BTW, I do understand Rich’s argument – although I disagree with most of it (I do think the electorate should be better informed, I just don’t think the way to get there is through disenfranchisement). It was just unfortunate he used the poll tax as an example, because, as Sean points out, the poll tax has a particularly unsavory history.

  13. Sean Braisted Says:


    Its not restricting thought…I’ve been called a bigot by many people because I think its hard for a black guy to win in Appalachia. Does that mean I go hiding in my corner and suck my thumb? No, I defend my position to the best of my ability, and if people think I’m a racist or bigot, that is their right.

  14. # 9 Says:

    Its not restricting thought…

    I see. The age old liberal tactic of calling people racists does not restrict thought and speech? I think it does. You seem a little defensive with the “man up” and “suck your thumb” retorts.

    When Rachel drops in for a visit I know a nerve has been hit.

  15. Sean Braisted Says:


    I’m tired of conservatives complaining all the time about double standards and not being able to say what they think…just say it, and if people call you a racist, so be it. I respect the guys at Six Meat Buffet because they say whatever they please and don’t care what anyone says about them. I just wish more people wouldn’t be so sensitive to what others have to say.

  16. # 9 Says:

    I just wish more people wouldn’t be so sensitive to what others have to say.

    There are so many sensitive people here at Say Uncle. If only we had the confidence to say what we really mean.

    I see my point is lost on you. Why would you think I was referring to anyone here?

    Many people will not have a discussion if it crosses politically correct lines. They cower to the intimidation of extremist liberals. I point out that these same liberals have to use tricks to avoid debate because they cannot stand up to the light of day. Of course your only reply is to pretend it is the fault of those who won’t stand up to chickenshit liberals.

    It is pretty bad to hide behind labels like racist and bigot rather than have the courage to debate openly. All I did was point out what others won’t say.

    But I am insensitive like that.

  17. rachel Says:

    When Rachel drops in for a visit I know a nerve has been hit.

    Don’t flatter yourself. I drop in for a visit every couple of weeks or so because I find Uncle interesting.

    Sometimes you just provide the added bonus of an easy target.

  18. straightarrow Says:

    gemini Says:

    May 11th, 2008 at 11:58 pm
    I am so tired of the idea that our Constitutional Federalist Republic is wrong because the people who created it had slaves and would not let women vote.

    I’d be tired of it too – if any of those “elites” at “progressiveville” actually said it. Or maybe you can point me to a quote I missed.

    Now gemini you’re just being disingenuous. You know as well as anybody else that that has been a constant form of repudiation of the founding principles. Not sensible, just constant.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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