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Err, no

In this bit about Philly:

What’s more, Robbins noted that the ATF was able to trace the SKS rifle used to gun down Liczbinski to a gun show in Fayettville, N.C. He said that because it had been bought at a gun show, the owner did not have to undergo a background check – another proposal that’s been blocked by the gun lobby.

If it was traced to a gun show, then it would have to have had a background check performed at the show else there would be no way to trace it.

5 Responses to “Err, no”

  1. Michael Hawkins Says:

    If it was traced back to the original purchaser, who stated he sold it at a gun show (telling the cops “it got stolen” get suspicious after the third time) Then it was in fact “traced back to a gun show” … without background check.

  2. MonkeyMan Says:

    I want to be able to defend myself and my property. For that I need stronger laws for victims, not a bigger gun. MonkeyMan

  3. wizardpc Says:

    so what’s the “one more law” that would’ve made those guys say “dang, I’d love to go rob a bank, but I can’t because of X law”?

    Bank Robbery: Illegal
    Felon in possession of a firearm: Illegal
    Murder: Illegal
    Escape from Halfway house: Illegal

  4. John D Says:

    Actually, if it was “forward Traced” (which, as far as I know, is the only way it’s done), it could have been traced to whoever sold it at the gunshow

  5. Sebastian Says:

    Stronger laws for victims isn’t going to help you if you’re dead.

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