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Lemme ‘splain

See, traffic coverage on TeeVee is kinda dumb. Because if I’m in front of a TeeVee, I’m not in traffic. And if I’m in traffic, I’m not in front of a TeeVee. In that same vein, an RSS Twitter feed for traffic doesn’t sound particularly useful.

Well, unless you have internet access on your phone or something but you shouldn’t be doing that and driving.

3 Responses to “Lemme ‘splain”

  1. Bitter Says:

    Actually, it could be. You can “follow” certain feeds in Twitter and have those feeds sent to your cell phone as a text message. Clicking a single button to open and glancing down is much safer than surfing to find the page.

  2. T Says:

    Strange. I check the traffic on my phone all the time while the wife is driving the car. Seems perfectly useful.

  3. _Jon Says:

    T: +1
    My daughter checks for me.

    I want my in-car Nav system to display traffic levels dynamically and offer to re-route me.

    However, that would require in-road sensors that would probably be abused by some politico under Amber (missing kid) concepts and claim “It’s for the Children”….

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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