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Toy gun control

For toy guns. Think they’re already required to have a painted tip.

3 Responses to “Toy gun control”

  1. Mikee Says:

    The Federal Toy Gun Rules are found in TITLE 15–COMMERCE AND TRADE
    CHAPTER 76–IMITATION FIREARMS Sec. 5001. Penalties for entering into commerce of imitation firearms, as found at this Airsoft Website:

    Either Tennesssee State Rep. John DeBerry, D-Memphis, is lying about the toy gun he holds as a display, since it had to have its colored tip removed or painted, or he has committed a crime by receiving such a non-tipped toy gun.

    Heck, I even spray painted by kid’s CO2 BB pistol with a bright orange tip because it looks just like a black Sig 229 without the paint. (And no jokes about a BB and a 9mm being about the same size or effect! )

  2. chris Says:

    my understanding is that the tip must be present when the toy is sold… once it is sold, removing the tip is legal in most states…

  3. teqjack Says:

    Not all that new. I remember when Bloomberg was trying to outlaw toy guns because they looked too much like real guns: the photo of him illustrating his point by holding up a translucent lime-green water pistol was laugh-provoking.

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