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Park Carry

Remember, you’re just crazy to think you need a gun in park. In other news, 41 magnums stop grizzlies. Good to know.

One Response to “Park Carry”

  1. Eric Says:

    Hey Unc,

    Speaking of National Park carry — the rule is up for comment for the next 60 days. You can be sure the VPC and the tree-huggers and the retired ranger fogey’s association or whatever NPS-related group that was wimpering about this will be spamming… er exercising their 1A rights to make sure noone can exercise their 2A rights in a National Park or Wildlife Refuge.

    I think it would be a good idea to have a surge of positive comments. Maybe they will be ignored, but if they aren’t there, it will leave a pool of negative comments for the NPS bureaucrats to wave at the Senators to say “see? non of your constituents thought this was a good idea..”.

    Go here to comment:

    Made my comment yesterday. Here you go:

    Excellent proposal, and long overdue. Actual experience of the shall-issue
    concealed handgun license (CHL) laws in the states that have implemented them
    has been overwhelmingly successful — violations of ANY law by CHL holders has
    been miniscule, and actual gun-related violations have been even smaller. Crime
    rates are noticeably lower in those states that have CHLs, and in the unfortunate
    instances where a CHL holder was forced to use a handgun to defend his or others
    life, by far the law-abiding have prevailed and innocent lives saved. Please
    implement this rule at the earliest opportunity.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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