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cold, dead hands


I don’t think any disrespect was intended. I couldn’t help but laugh.

4 Responses to “cold, dead hands”

  1. Lornkanaga Says:

    I don’t think any disrespect was intended–rather the utmost in respect was shown.

    As my hubby would say: HOOOAAH!!!

  2. Rob K Says:

    That seemed quite respectful of him to me. I was thinking along those lines myself.

  3. bob r Says:

    It should have CH responding: “Those with the guts to do it had too much respect. Those without the respect didn’t have the guts.”

  4. James Nelson Says:

    When my father died, my brother and I slipped a rifle into the coffin and a box of shells into a suit pocket. When they were getting ready to lower the coffin into the grave, we slapped one of his “They’ll get my gun when they peel it from my cold dead hands” bumper stickers on the coffin. We offended some people who weren’t in on the joke, but the old man would have been rolling.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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