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McCain has some stones:

Sen. John McCain travels the campaign trail without Secret Service protection although he is the Republican Party’s likely presidential nominee, the agency’s director told Congress on Thursday.

Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan told a House Appropriations subcommittee that the Arizona senator has not requested his agency’s services.

15 Responses to “Protection”

  1. Shannon Says:

    I just heard on the news that McCain will be meeting with the Secret Service this weekend and will start using their services.

    I’m glad he’s going to start having them protect him. I wonder why he’s waited so long?

  2. Mikee Says:

    Much like Fred Thompson, Dick Cheney and Chuck Norris, John McCain relishes the prospect of being attacked.

    Yes, he makes relish out of attackers and eats it on his hot dogs. With mustard.

    He and Thompson are old Senate buddies.

    Dick Cheney would hunt with him.

    And he lived one of the movies that Chuck Norris made.

    The many skeletons in his closet are , well, real skeletons.

  3. Phelps Says:

    This actually gives me more reason to go with McCain than anything else he’s done. He’s explicitly said that the reason he doesn’t want them is because on the campaign trail, they offer no real security, are a waste of money, and an inconvenience.

    He recognized security theater and rejected it.

    Just the thought of that philosophy governing the executive makes me a little giddy. Not enough to forget Keating 5 and McCain Fiengold and McCain Kennedy… but it is mitigating.

  4. Blounttruth Says:

    I would say that they have taken the time to hand select his secret service deployment from a pool of the most trusted Bush administration secret service agents. They must make sure that no leaks get out about any and all medical issues that arise, so that the puppet masters can put him in the White House without it being leaked that he is not stable. He stated in a debate that he does not own a single firearm, and if his reported attempted suicide after vietnam is confirmed, then it would make sense for the safety of his family not to allow him to be armed.

  5. Yuri Orlov Says:

    This makes him a little less repugnant to me, although I still can’t vote for him. Perhaps if he drafted Fred Thompson as his VP I might be convinced to vote his way come November.

  6. DirtCrashr Says:

    Maybe he’s packin’ a piece? He’s an Arizonan after all.

  7. Lyle Says:

    Janice Rogers-Brown for VP. That’s my fantasy, as long as we’re talking about fantasies. But if that were to happen, monkeys would have flown from my butt long before.

  8. Jim W Says:

    Uh, I think JRB does a lot more good for us on the DC Circuit, thank you very much.

    And if she is VP, it won’t be as easy to nominate her to the supreme court.

  9. Peter Says:

    This definitely makes him suck less.

    And if he keeps not having the SS (deliberate nazi reference) for the run-up to November, that will make a great campaign ad, because he can point out that HillObama is using our tax dollars before they even get elected.


  10. HardCorps Says:

    He’s such a piece of shit, no one would want to waste a round on him…especially with the prices theses day. Yikes!

  11. Gregg Says:

    Meh, we don’t hear about his NOT having SS until he gains SS. Ifg he had coem out a month or more ago stating that he had no security then MAYBE he could be seen as having stones. As it is, he profited from the SS of the others just like people w/o CCW are pruported to profit from CCW holders.

    McCain is slime. Forget that at our peril.

  12. Linoge Says:

    Well, kudos to him for not wasting the American tax payers’ money, and having the nerve to do that kind of thing.

    Of course, I am still going to have to hold my nose when I eventually do vote for him, but that was going to happen regardless. As the saying goes, McCain would make the worst President in the world… except all the others.

  13. Murdoc Says:

    This isn’t the first time we’ve heard about no SS with McCain. It’s been talked about here and there for quite a while. I seem to recall he has personal issues with the SS.

  14. Xrlq Says:

    Just the thought of that philosophy governing the executive makes me a little giddy. Not enough to forget Keating 5 and McCain Fiengold and McCain Kennedy… but it is mitigating.

    McCain-Feingold and McCain-Kennedy need mitigating. “Keating 5” means 5 guys the Senate chose to investigate. If we named them after the ones found to have done anything wrong, we’d call them the Keating 3. Glenn and McCain’s roles in that debacle need about as much “mitigating” as the Duke 3.

  15. bob r Says:

    Uh, I think JRB does a lot more good for us on the DC Circuit, thank you very much.

    I’d much rather see her as the President. I’m pretty sure that would be more beneficial than her work on the DC Circuit: her supreme court nominees would likely do what the Constitution requires — even if that is not what they desire.

    Besides, there would be the sheer entertainment value of watching the libs respond to a black woman candidate for President who doesn’t toe the liberal party line.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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