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Well, it has to be illegal

Ok, you’ve probably read the story about the chick whose ass was fused to the toilet for some period of time (one month to two years, depending on the source). Well, the local law is bringing charges against the boyfriend for, err, honestly I have no idea why. Apparently, if it’s unusual, it must also be illegal.

3 Responses to “Well, it has to be illegal”

  1. Chas Says:

    Our government is a hammer. Not surprisingly, they think we all look like nails.

  2. Nomen Nescio Says:

    only charge i can think of is criminal neglect, but that has a weird taste to it. she was, after all, an adult the whole time. clearly an adult with some serious issues, but still.

    something tells me aunt B might say, if it’d been him in the toilet, wanna bet nobody would have expected her to take responsibility for her adult S.O. like some minor child. i’m almost tempted to agree with the sentiment, but not knowing any more of the story than what’s been in the mainstream media, that might be rash.

  3. tgirsch Says:

    From what I read yesterday, the charge involved negligent care of a dependent adult, which would imply that the girlfriend wasn’t all there upstairs. (Really? What was your first clue? The month on a toilet thing?)

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