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CavArms Update

Nothing new on the charges but the guys at note that you can help CavArms:

Here is how we can help right now.

Kevin from AGP Arms

Will post details on CavArms (CA) lowers he is going to sell, with ALL profits (100%) going to CavArms

5 Responses to “CavArms Update”

  1. drstrangegun Says:

    I’m planning on buying one, possibly tonight.

    Corollary; it’s #40 in the collection 🙂

  2. Rabbit Says:

    I suppose this is an excellent opportunity for me to quit procrastinating on a 6.8.


  3. Jim W Says:

    Hmm, I already have a black MKII making up the bottom half of my suppressed 45 carbine. I would get one if I could have it in OD green instead of black. That would give me an excuse to make the gun 2 tone.

  4. Jim W Says:

    Also, has anyone noticed fitment problems with Cav Arms lowers? I’ve found it is a great lower except when you try to put the gun back together and it takes hercules type strength to make the back pin hole line up. It makes cleaning the gun properly a giant pain in the butt.

    Maybe it is just a problem with oly arms uppers or maybe it is a design feature for some reason I don’t realize. Any ideas why the fit is so tight?

  5. Dr. Strangegun Says:

    Unfortunately I’ve had to reconsider… nothing to do with CavArms.

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