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SCCC to Petey: Put up or shut up

You’ll recall that gun control lackey Peter Hamm of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Ownership, taking time out from threatening to shoot people and telling kids to drop out of school, said that Students For Concealed Carry On Campus was funded by the gun lobby. Well, Students For Concealed Carry On Campus says prove it:

In response to the allegations made by the Brady Campaign, SCCC’s response is simple—“Prove it.” In the name of full disclosure, SCCC is willing to make all of its financial records available to the media if the Brady Campaign will do the same. Explained Lewis, “After building SCCC on a foundation of our own sweat equity and financial sacrifices, our members are incensed that the Brady Campaign is accusing us of being well paid pawns.”

Though the Brady Campaign likes to attribute all efforts to maintain and/or restore gun rights in America to an all-powerful gun industry that uses coercion and manipulation to subvert the true wishes of the American people, the real American gun industry has an annual revenue of only about $2 billion, leaving it inadequately funded for the job of manipulating the American government or the American people. At the true heart of the fight for gun rights in America are everyday people, like the members and organizers of Students for Concealed Carry on Campus—people who believe they have the inalienable right to defend themselves and who trust their fellow citizens enough to guarantee them that same right.

6 Responses to “SCCC to Petey: Put up or shut up”

  1. DirtCrashr Says:

    Typical Leftist projection, since they are paid pawns they expect everybody else to be also.

  2. Bruce Says:


  3. Regolith Says:

    As I said a couple of days ago when an SCCC member posted this in a thread at, it’s a great response, but they need to get it out there to every media organization they can. If it simply remains a press release located only on their webpage and at a few gun groups, then Helmke will be able to effectively ignore it. Only if it gets into general circulation will this be damaging to him.

  4. Regolith Says:

    Whoops, that should be Hamm, not Helmke. Though there isn’t a hell of a lot of difference between ’em.

  5. Gregg Says:

    Slap ’em with a libel suit. That would get the media’s attention. You need a little blood in the water for the sharks to start circling.

  6. Murdoc Says:

    “Put up or shut up”? My money’s on

    C) Neither

    They don’t know how to do either of them. They’re wrong, so they’ll change the topic of conversation.

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