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On the messiah err Obama

It’s looking like I will end up owing Sean a beer after the primary but I’ll get it back in the General.

If people, like recent Obama shill Sean Braisted, keep pointing out that Obama does actually have substance, then people will start realizing the messiah err Obama is basically a socialist.

11 Responses to “On the messiah err Obama”

  1. Sean Braisted Says:


    Well, I encourage the Republicans to run on the “he’s a tax-raisin’ liberal” argument…really, I do, if you think the same broken record is going to win again, I’ll be double fisting the beers.

    You can deride him as a socialist for wanting a cohesive national policy on Health Care, or wanting to raise the cap on Social Security, or wanting to raise the top marginal tax rate; but truth be told, you can say Bush is a liberal till your blue in the face, but he effectively ended the Reagan era where calling your opponent a liberal automatically ends in victory.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    I encourage the Republicans to run on the “he’s a tax-raisin’ liberal” argument…really

    Me too. But I wish they’d wait until after the primary.

  3. SayUncle Says:

    Oh, and you left out of his socialist record:

    The PATRIOT corporation act
    Obama on guns
    Ex offender support
    Hate crimes
    The UN suck ups
    Free Government Money ™ to, well, the list is long

    Hell, I was gonna type more but, just perusing his site, I’d be typing for days.

  4. Sean Braisted Says:

    The PATRIOT corporation act – Populist

    Obama on guns – Leftist maybe, how it applies to socialism, I don’t know.

    Ex offender support – Trying to reduce recidivism isn’t a bad thing.

    Hate crimes – You guys lost that argument, but keep tryin’

    The UN suck ups – Que? As in he supports the UN? Wow, nailed him there.

    Free Government Money ™ to, well, the list is long – Perhaps a real example of socialism, but you’d have to be more specific.

    Here is the thing. Is Obama trying to win the gun-nut quasi-libertarian wing of the Republican party? No, he isn’t. Most Americans aren’t died-in-the-wool Reaganites nor anti-Government activists. Most Americans support some Government role in the economy/society, so long as they view it in a positive manner. If you guys want to run on the “throw people to the wolves” political philosophy, be my guest, I’d prefer Stella Artois.

  5. SayUncle Says:

    Populist and socialist are not synonyms.

    Is Obama trying to win the gun-nut quasi-libertarian wing of the Republican party?

    Who implied he was?

    At least you have good taste in beer.

  6. Ron W Says:

    Last night Obama said he would “obey the Constitution”. IF he meant read as any other legal document, according to the rules of English grammar, then he’s my man. That would mean he’s for ALL of our enumerated rights including the right to keep and carry weapons for our self-defense…just like he has, from hired guns paid for by us.

  7. CTD Says:

    Obama on guns – Leftist maybe, how it applies to socialism, I don’t know.

    Are you just playing dumb? Though there may be the exceedingly rare exception, socialist governments do their damnedest to see the peasantry disarmed. Part of the whole “for the greater good” mindset. This becomes doubly true with a socialized health care system, where the costs of treating injuries from firearms are paid entirely by the taxpayers.

  8. Sean Braisted Says:


    Gun control may be prevalent in socialist countries, but socialism is an economic system, which would be agnostic on the issue of gun control.

  9. straightarrow Says:

    Uh, no! socialism is not an economic system, that is only the mask it wears.

  10. Xrlq Says:

    Of course socialism is an economic system, but who are we kidding? It’s not as though you can expect support for your right to own a gun from someone who opposes your right to own anything at all.

  11. Ron W Says:

    Obama inspired me last night in telling how courageous poeple fought slavery in our country. Down through history, the hallmark of slavery was that those who were subjected to slavery were disarmed. So it would be part of that legacy to resist those who want to, in any way, disarm us. IF he is consistent with his talk, then Obama will be for the RIGHT of the people to keep and bear arm, especially against the power of the Federal government.
    He said, he would “obey the Constitution” and the Bill of Rights was put in the Constitution to RESTRICT the Federal Goverment and DECLARE the rights of the people. It is the people who have rights; the government only has only “delegated powers” from “the consent of the governed” according to the words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence which Obama briefly quoted recently. Like Obama rightly said, words are important. Let us see if he really means those words and will be do the opposite of Clinton-Bush-Clinton who have worked to disarm the peasants.

    If my memory is correct, Obama voted in the Senate with Hillary Clinton FOR gun confiscations (like in N.O. post-katrina) during “declared emergenices”. And who would declare those emergencies—the president?

    That is when we need our means of self-defense the most and taking that away at gunpoint is the worst sort of tyranny, akin to the past actions of Nazis and Communists.

    Let us see IF Obama repents–according to his words.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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