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Why are anti-gun activists so violent?

Anti-gun New Hampshire State Representative Nickolas Levasseur has a Myspace page in which he advocates killing Republicans.

By the way, the whole Why are anti-gun activists so violent? meme is almost a daily feature!

4 Responses to “Why are anti-gun activists so violent?”

  1. - Says:

    That is indeed ridiculously over the top.

    Outright killing Republicans would be inhumane, not to mention extremist; merely taking away their right to vote should suffice quite well. 😉

  2. Breda Says:

    Yikes, talk about issues! – although it’s interesting to see a State Rep young enough to have a Myspace page.

  3. red Says:

    A psychiatrist’s look into the mind of antis:

  4. # 9 Says:

    Another Al Franken. Kraazzy.

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