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So, how’s that gonna work?

Bloomberg’s latest:

In a new tactic against urban crime, the mayors of several East Coast cities, including New York, plan to launch a database that will allow them to share information on known gun offenders.

The database, expected to be operational later this year, will pool data from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives with information collected by local agencies, including ballistics information and intelligence gathered from debriefings of gun offenders.

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon and other urban leaders said Wednesday that the first-of-its-kind database will make it more difficult for illegal gun dealers to do business throughout the Interstate 95 corridor.

And how exactly are they going to get BATF data? I seem to recall that’s not exactly legal.

5 Responses to “So, how’s that gonna work?”

  1. _Jon Says:

    “Launch later this year” – How long does it take to “launch” a database?

    For example, if I sent you, Uncle, an e-mail asking;
    “Hey could you create an Access database that contained 14 fields, each indexed and keyed, most of which would be blobs and search-able?”
    and your response was that it would take anything more than 2 hours, I would consider you incompetent.

    Heck, Access even has a wizard that will walk you through it. Jeeze these people *are* incompetent…

  2. Curtis Lowe Says:

    Are they going to ban them from living in certain areas – like sex offenders? No living near gun stores, shooting ranges or public lands?

  3. John of Argghhh! Says:

    I’m still scratching my head to figure out how this will hamper illegal gun dealers.

    Strikes me, if they’re illegal gun dealers, they aren’t much concerned with… but maybe I just don’t get it.

  4. Gunstar1 Says:

    And how exactly are they going to get BATF data? I seem to recall that’s not exactly legal.

    I have a feeling this is to get around that BAFTE law. If the locals request a trace of a gun, they get the info on who the dealer of that firearm is.

    You get enough big cities into the mix and you have your own little ATF trace database. No need to request the full list of ATF trace data (that is now illegal for the ATF to give out) if you kept a record of all the individual traces you performed.

    Tada, you now have a list of firearms traced to dealers. No law violated since the list was created for law enforcement purposes.

  5. Cactus Jack Says:

    “In a new tactic against urban crime, the mayors of several East Coast cities, including New York, plan to launch a database that will allow them to share information on known gun offenders.”

    To those clowns anyone who owns a firearm is a “gun offender”.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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