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NRA on Pro-Heller Attorneys General

They have a statement here:

This brief by the state Attorneys General comes on the heels of last week’s congressional brief, having the largest number of co-signers of a congressional amicus brief in American history, with 250 House Members, 55 Senators and the Vice President of the United States, acting in his capacity as President of the Senate.

If you’re the Violence Policy Center (who may have a special on GLOCKS) that’s gotta hurt.

5 Responses to “NRA on Pro-Heller Attorneys General”

  1. Rustmeister Says:

    I noticed someone in DC is checking up on VPC blog posts.

  2. Lyle Says:

    There’s some good stuff in there.

    It will be interesting to witness the worst possible thing that could happen to the antis– that DC residents start keeping operable firearms in their homes in large numbers and crime drops by double digits. What a nightmare for anti-freedom activists. How can they allow this to happen? Will they have to start bussing criminals into DC in order to keep the numbers up?

    The next thought is to wonder how and when justice will come to those who, by violating the Constitutional rights of the citizens in a most egregious manner, and willfully, were able to keep the crime rate, and the death rate, so high for so many years.

  3. LKP Says:

    Where is Tennessee’s AG?

  4. Linoge Says:

    It will, indeed, be interesting to see which way the crime curve tends in DC, Lyle… I am fairly certain it will go down, but I guess the real question is “by how much?”

    Either way, I think this is a fairly good indication that the Second Amendment, self-defense, and the right to bear arms are neither dead causes, nor dying ones, and the VPC, Brady Bunch, and all the rest of the hoplophobic morons of the world are completely and utterly full of it when they try to portray those topics as such. I am not going to say these politicians are 100% in touch with their constituents, but they have got to have some kind of clue.

  5. Rustmeister Says:

    Where is Tennessee’s AG?

    TN’s not gonna play in this one.

    Pro-gun state, Democrat Governor. You get the picture.

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