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The difference 230 years makes

Complete with creepy pictures of police playing ball with children

In Boston:

As Boston police prepare to go into some of the city’s most dangerous neighborhoods, knock on doors of private houses, and ask if they can search for illegal guns without a warrant, officials are trying to pitch the idea of the plan as friendly cooperation to residents who still see it as a threatening intrusion.

A friendly looking logo – a drawing of a house surrounded by the sun – adorns the brochure police have drafted to explain and promote the initiative, “Safe Homes.” Photos of officers playing baseball with children and chatting with teenagers dot the pamphlet. Twice, police have taken calls from listeners on a black radio station in Roxbury.

7 Responses to “The difference 230 years makes”

  1. Yosemite Sam Says:

    I remember when I first saw the movie The 5th element around 10 years ago. There was a scene where Bruce Willis’ character had to put his hands in circles on the wall when the police came a’calling. I remember thinking that this was probably an accurate portrayal of what the future had in store for us.

    It seems that we are right on the path towards that kind of society.

  2. BobG Says:

    And in about five or six years they’ll be shooting it out with those same kids over a drug deal…

  3. Cactus Jack Says:

    “As Boston police prepare to go into some of the city’s most dangerous neighborhoods, knock on doors of private houses, and ask if they can search for illegal guns without a warrant”

    Do cops acually KNOCK on doors anymore?

    You watch, the cops will “ask” if they can search a house for illegal guns, the answer will be no, and within 48 hours the SWAT team will be “knocking” with a ram.

  4. Dave thA Says:

    Re: That first picture.

    They’re not playing baseball.

    The officer on the left is trying to wrest an open-carry assault-bat away from the young, minority juvie…

  5. Chev Jim Says:

    In Japan, the police pay a “friendly visit” to each and every home of the hoi polloi twice a year. In the USA, I will tell the police that I “pass.” But you can look for more of this sort of thing from such “nanny states” as Massachusetts.

  6. workinwifdakids Says:

    I didn’t know radio stations were black. OH! They meant radio stations which attract black listeners. Hmmm… Their layered fact-checker must have gone out for a burger.

  7. Ravenwood Says:

    I dunno about you, but I always play ball wearing a bicycle helmet and sidearm.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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