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Gun Buybacks

Kinda funny that an anti-gun activist is turning in a gun at a gun buyback. And won’t address if he has anymore.

Meanwhile, a paper in Oakland reports that a gun buyback: caused heavy traffic in East, West and Central Oakland as people pulled up at buyback locations with trunk loads of assault weapons.

Well, if you look at the picture, can you see trunk loads of assault weapons?

6 Responses to “Gun Buybacks”

  1. Hartley Says:

    lemme see – I can buy an old clapped-out SKS for $149 or a beat single-shot shotgun for $75 and the City of Oakland will give me $250 cash for either one? Sounds like a heck of a way to make some quick cash to buy ammo for my GOOD stuffe..

  2. Blounttruth Says:

    Heck yeah, I have an old Taurus 9mm that the slide cracked after about 10,000 rounds. I would love to get 250.00 for it, especially since I bought it for 100.00. Wonder how much crack or meth one could buy for 200.00. You know that these individuals are buying every broknen piece of junk they can get their hands on to take advantage, does anyone know where the 250.00 comes from? Is this funded through tax dollars?

  3. DirtCrashr Says:

    On TV I saw Cops carrying a bunch of single-shot .22 rifles like old Model 72’s – that for $250 they ought to be in 99% or NIB condition. My wife and I laughed and laughed.

  4. Heartless Libertarian Says:

    Too bad in the PRK, because all transactions have to go through a dealer, you can’t hang out outside and offer more than the cops for anything good.

  5. _Jon Says:

    @HL: Mebbe a smart dealer will do that next time….

    Awful nice of them to provide public funds are used to buy private merchandise and provide for an art group. (I know the groups raised money for the buy-backs, but the kops were probably on the job at the time….)

  6. straightarrow Says:

    Did those transfers to the government buybackers go through an FFL? If not, can we expect felony arrests of Perata and company?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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