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No shit?

Vanderbilt University has a SWAT team? What could possibly go wrong? Via Aunt B.

5 Responses to “No shit?”

  1. Ron W Says:

    Oh, these are the guys who show up, with helmets, bullet-proof vests and guns AFTER some mass murderer has had his way with the disarmed victims.

    I notice they had gotten “tactical rifles” which, if we have’em, are called “assault weapons”.

  2. wizardPC Says:

    please please PLEASE tell me they didn’t get any federal or state money to pay for this ludicrous ninja force

  3. Cactus Jack Says:

    Just wait, they’ll be kicking down doors at 3 AM to serve students notice that they’ve been expelled now.

  4. Rabbit Says:

    Imagine all those drunken sorority parties that they can raid with a higher degree of officer safety.

    RIAA will likely empower them to stop illegal filesharing and downloading from dorm rooms.

    Food fights at the student center are going to be a lot more exciting when the APC pulls up.

    Panty raids will never be the same.


  5. LibertyPlease Says:

    My large university had a police force that was fully redundant considering the univesity was the primary population of the twin-cities it anchored, and both of those small towns each had an overly large police force already. Small town(s), three large police forces. Freakin’ every minor misdemeanor became an event as there was almost no real crime. If they ever ninjafy, it’ll be a nightmare.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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