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Neat trick

How do you do this:

The weapon was loaded with three magazines, each containing 16 rounds.

Mine only holds one.

Such accuracy in reporting!

7 Responses to “Neat trick”

  1. Jack Says:

    You expected something else, maybe. The guy probably had the extra mags in pouches. Jack.

  2. Dustin Says:

    Maybe the officials thought that if the magazines were within a 10 foot radius of the gun, the semi-auto pistol would automatically suck up the rounds from them. Perhaps that is what they thought the auto part of semi-auto meant.

    Where do they hire these officials from? Even my son in 3rd grade public school knows that the magazine has to be in the gun before any rounds can be shot from it.

  3. HardCorps Says:

    Wow, walking your daughter to the airport…

    This is the issue here in Oregon:

    ” So, as it stands, the law says you may carry in the terminal. The Port of Portland says you can be arrested if you are obeying the law. Legislative Counsel says the Port of Portland may not enforce this ordinance, and the Port of Portland Police say they don’t care.”

  4. straightarrow Says:

    Wouldn’t an officer attempting to detain someone under prohibition of doing so be guilty of kidnap? Could he not be shot down as an assailant?

    If this happened just once and was ruled as justified, they would care.

  5. Gregg Says:

    Wouldn’t get to trial. The person defending themself would end up being “shot resisting the serving of a warrant” or some such thing. Gangs don’t take kindly to people shooting one of their own.

  6. Lyle Says:

    To be fair here, we don’t all use the language correctly all the time. I think it could be a simple matter of a missing comma– “The weapon was loaded, with three magaqzines…” the comma meaning “and”, meaning that not only was it loaded, the guy had a total of three magazines on his person.

    In any case, the number of magazines or the number of rounds a particular person is carrying has no bearing on our right to keep and bear arms.

  7. Ian Argent Says:

    That was my view – a missing comma. For clarity I would have added “along wiht” after the comma, but that would have bumped the word count.

    OTOH, the comma was missed by someone because of ignorance, IMHO.

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