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A sign

So, /20~ p@\/1 keeps beating 9iu11ani. I guess there’s hope for the future since more people are willing to vote for a libertarian than an authoritarian nanny.

Update: Even more hope for the future, Hillary gets 60% v. nobody.

6 Responses to “A sign”

  1. Kevin Baker Says:

    I’ll believe it if he beats Julie in Florida.

  2. Sean Braisted Says:

    Actually, she got 55% against nobody.

  3. nk Says:

    I’ll vote for anybody before Giuliani. Good to see a lot of other people feel the same way. (But Paul is still a loon.)

  4. Cactus Jack Says:

    nk Says:

    January 16th, 2008 at 1:01 pm
    I’ll vote for anybody before Giuliani. Good to see a lot of other people feel the same way. (But Paul is still a loon.)

    Maybe, maybe not. But Paul is still greatly preferable to all the other candidates except Thompson.

  5. tgirsch Says:

    more people are willing to vote for a libertarian than an authoritarian nanny.

    No, more Republicans are willing to vote for a libertarian than an authoritarian nanny. Important distinction.

  6. Chas Says:

    Maybe Rudy could pick up more votes by displaying his contempt for gun owners again, by taking a call on his cell phone while he’s supposed to be talking to a gathering of them. Or maybe that would cost him votes. Maybe it already has.

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