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Iowa Predictions

For the Republicans:

1) Thompson (ok, not so much a prediction as a hope)
2) McCain
3) /20~ p@\/1 (oh crap, I almost spelled it out)
4) Huckabee
5) Some big government liberal, there’s so many (again, not so much a prediction as a hope)

For Democrats:

1) Hillary Clinton
2) that black guy
3) There’s more?
4) Yes, that guy with the pretty hair
5) No shit?

Update: Heh, in comments Jon says my #3 Democrat should be Giuliani. That’s funny.

10 Responses to “Iowa Predictions”

  1. _Jon Says:

    R1 – If I knew anyone in IA, I would call and beg them to vote
    R2 – Manchurian Candidate
    R3 – That’s funny
    R4 – I would put him at R5-
    R5 – I would put the guy who has spent a ton of his own money for MONTHS in IA at R4

    D1 – the shemale
    D2 – that’s funny
    D3 – Rudy Guliani
    D4 – he does have pretty hair
    D5 – wouldn’t some of the R6-R9 fit here?


  2. Adam Lawson Says:

    I hope for Thompson to finish strong, too. He’s one of the few I trust on guns and such, and God wouldn’t a Thompson/Hillary debate be fun? He’d destroy her.

  3. Cactus Jack Says:

    Adam Lawson Says:

    January 3rd, 2008 at 3:00 pm
    I hope for Thompson to finish strong, too. He’s one of the few I trust on guns and such, and God wouldn’t a Thompson/Hillary debate be fun? He’d destroy her.
    Not THAT I would love to see!

  4. tgirsch Says:

    God wouldn’t a Thompson/Hillary debate be fun? He’d destroy her.

    Assuming Thompson could be persuaded to stay awake for it…

  5. Adam Lawson Says:

    Tgirsch, with her shrieking, who could sleep?

  6. # 9 Says:

    After today’s dustup at MCB I understand why the left hates Fred. This country needs a Federalist President. It isn’t looking good.

  7. tgirsch Says:


    Hell, Thompson has slept through the entire campaign so far, as far as anyone can tell, so what makes you think even she could wake him up?


    I don’t “hate” Fred. I just honestly don’t get the Thompson love affair. Apart from the libertarian types who actively want a do-nothing president, of course…

  8. HardCorps Says:

    Well it’s too bad for Fred that he is endorsing mccain..o well nice try. Luckily there is a real conservative who cares about gun rights and repealing the IRS.

  9. Andy Axel Says:

    1) Thompson (ok, not so much a prediction as a hope)
    2) McCain
    3) /20~ p@\/1 (oh crap, I almost spelled it out)
    4) Huckabee

    Ow. Not even close…

  10. SayUncle Says:

    Ow. Not even close

    Tell me about it. I originally Huckabee at number two but since it was more a hope than a prediction, I bumped him.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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