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Bloggers is people too

Tam: The Internet, much like Soylent Green, is people.

You do develop friendships in this blogging thing. And they seem to last a while. I’ve lost count of how many bloggers I’ve met and how many bloggers’ phone numbers on my cell phone. Blogging is a great way for like-minded people to meet, communicate, and share ideas. Plus, you know, we can be active in groups such as The Triangle of Death.

2 Responses to “Bloggers is people too”

  1. DirtCrashr Says:

    And we party pretty good too! 🙂 Surrounded as I am by Ultra Liberal zombies I enjoy the company and communication of Gunbloggers.

  2. tgirsch Says:

    This serves to remind me that Mike hasn’t put together a Memphis blogger bash in a while; or if he has, he hasn’t let me know about it.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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