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Presidential candidates on the second amendment

Joe has some quotes. I like Huckabee’s quote.

While you’re at Joe’s, maybe you can explain this one to him. Or to me. Because if I understand it, they’re saying gun control is a failure so we have to do it harder.

9 Responses to “Presidential candidates on the second amendment”

  1. Cactus Jack Says:

    “I am aware that there is a body of evidence, especially in the US that shows that gun bans or even gun control does not substantially affect the crime rate”

    But they DO affect the crime rate, crime goes UP.

    “Therefore the unpalatable conclusion must be that gun control has failed and has to be replaced by a complete gun ban at least for a period of time preceded by a campaign against gun use and ownership and an amnesty for the handing in of illegal guns”

    So gun control has failed and we therefore must TOTALLY BAN them? That’d be like the captain of the Titanic saying the the best way to fix the big hole in the ship’s hull would be to make another, bigger one.

    BTW, who was the foll who made those statements? I didnt see a name.

  2. Joe Huffman Says:

    The author is Kwasi Gyan-Apenteng. Read the entire article here.

  3. Breda Says:

    I’m going to go ahead and agree with “crap for brains” – that fits.

  4. Ron W Says:

    Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee have it right!


  5. straightarrow Says:

    I can explain it. The dumb sonofabitch is insane. There, wasn’t that easy?

  6. mike w. Says:

    Mr. “crap for brains” suggestion that since gun control doesn’t work we should just “do it harder!” makes me think of Judge Dredd, where the police officers were trained to yell “STOP!” and then continue doing so in an ever more forceful and demonstrative tone if the criminal ignored the initial command. Anyone who’s ever seen that (terrible) movie knows how well that approach works.

  7. tgirsch Says:

    But they DO affect the crime rate, crime goes UP.

    I haven’t seen statistically significant evidence of that. All of the evidence that I’ve seen basically points to “no measurable effect” in either direction. Passing more gun control neither increases nor decreases crime. Relaxing or repealing gun control neither increases nor decreases crime.

    Clearly, if such laws have little or no impact on violent crime, then it makes sense to err on the side of liberty. But that doesn’t mean we should make dubious claims to protect that liberty, any more than we’d allow the people who oppose it to get away with it.

  8. Gullyborg Says:

    I like Fred’s comment on “gun control means steady aim.”

  9. Gullyborg Says:

    Oh, and better yet, his “yes, I have some guns, and no, I am not telling you what they are or where they are” debate answer.

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