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Great moments in journalism

So, a news team in Chicago was staking out gun shops in the Chicago suburbs then following people who made purchases back to their homes in Chicago to confront them with their illegal gun. Nice. A choice between breaking the law or being unable to defend yourself is no choice at all.

6 Responses to “Great moments in journalism”

  1. Phelps Says:

    Sounds like a great plan for criminals who want to get some guns. The people you are robbing can’t call the cops, because they would have to tell them what you just stole.

  2. Kristopher Says:

    Gee … if you are going to prison now, I guess kneecapping a few reporters won’t make much of a difference.

  3. Sailorcurt Says:

    You know…it occurs to me that the “journalists” don’t seem to have any fear that the people who purchase firearms from licensed and lawful dealers will do them harm when stalked.

    I bet if they staked out the street corners and back alleys of some of the shadier parts of town, they could witness criminals buying guns from illegal dealers. Then they could follow THEM home and confront them about their illegal firearms.

    I wonder why they aren’t so quick to do that?

  4. Cactus Jack Says:

    I love to hear about these pompous jackasses like Chuck Goudie following someone to thier home and getting mugged as soon as they step out of the newsvan. That would make my day! Who knows, maybe he’d realize why folks in that neighborhood are buying handguns.

  5. Rabbit Says:

    Goudie is taking lessons from Rebecca Aguilar?

    I’m glad I live where self-defense and defense of one’s property is still legal, and where uppity reporters get their just desserts.


  6. nk Says:

    I”ll give Channel 7 credit for publishing my comment on their site:

    “What Goudie did is the shameful act of a shrewish scold. But even more shameful are his employers who allowed him to do it. Channel 7 is despicable. Find some other way to sell toilet paper and feminine hygiene products than by harassing poor old black women. What’s the matter, Chuckie? Why the black lady? Were you afraid that if you were harassing a rich white man from Lake Forest the same way he’d call the police and you’d be the one on the way to jail?”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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