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I wonder if they could possibly use a more passive voice?

The WaPo notes that the DC handgun ban hasn’t done a thing to prevent crime.

4 Responses to “I wonder if they could possibly use a more passive voice?”

  1. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    As I pointed out, the DC govt’s argument that the ban saved lives isn’t just trying to prove a negative. It’s trying to prove something that couldn’t possibly be true as it ain’t like a whole lot of guns were being purchased legally in DC in the first place. They were, even by the admission of the then police and City Council folks, coming from MD and VA and elsewhere.

    Hell, even Marion Barry got it back then.

  2. Gringo_Malo Says:

    The WaPo article briefly mentions that DC crime rates exceeded those of other cities with less restrictive gun laws, but mostly it bemoans that the fedgov didn’t ban firearms nationwide. Try not to create a false impression that the folks at WaPo have any active brain cells, will ya?

  3. Cactus Jack Says:

    “It’s a pretty common-sense idea that the more guns there are around, the more gun violence you’ll have,” D.C. Attorney General Linda Singer said.”

    Really? Here in Wyoming there’s privately owned firearms galore but violent crime is very low. Gee, do ya think there could be a connection?

    Linda, common sense is something you obviously have in short supply.

  4. Lyle Says:

    “It’s a pretty common-sense idea that the more guns there are around, the more gun violence you’ll have,” D.C. Attorney General Linda Singer said.

    Translation: “It’s a pretty common-sense idea that if we disarm their intended victims, giving criminals a government-guaranteed monopoly on deadly force, our treasured and beloved criminals will enjoy a safer operating environment.”

    One wonders if AG Singer has looked at any crime statistics anywhere outside of the DC reality bubble. She certainly hasn’t ever read the Constitution. This begs the next question; who hired this person?

    I’ve said it before: Corrupt government officials and common criminals have a natural symbiotic relationship. This is a huge, untold story. Any of you investigative journalists out there have the guts to pursue it? I have a suggested headline for you:
    “Corrupt DC Officials Flout Constitution, Decades-Long Violent Crime Spree Ensues”
    …or some such. You get the picture. Off you go now! Make sure you’re wearing body armor!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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