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First, shoestrings

Now, little clips. Seems ATF has no issue with people selling inert grenades. Unless you put the safety clip in them. Odd.

5 Responses to “First, shoestrings”

  1. Michael Says:

    Yeah, can’t tell you how shocked I was when the owner of the Army/Navy store told me this. Guess the ATF have nothing else better to do than this. Glad to see my tax dollars are hard at work protecting me from those evil safety clips.

  2. HerrBGone Says:

    Someone should, perhaps, point this out to the Fitchburg Marxistchusetts Police Department:

    The comments on this story have been interesting as well:

    (Sorry ‘bout the long links…)

  3. Cactus Jack Says:

    “I had knowledge from my military training that sometimes the grenade is bored out but the TNT charge in the top remained,” Young wrote.

    What Military training was that officer Young, the Air Force? That aint Military training, not even close. But it was still damn nice of you to show us how little you know about grenades. Makes me wonder about your “knowledge” of the laws you’re supposed to enforce.

    Boring out a grenade with the charge still inside would be a neat way to quickly earn a Darwin award. Grenades with holes in the bottoms are PRACTICE grenades and have NEVER had a explosive charge in them. In fact, if you look at the hole you’ll see that the grenade was CAST with that hole, that it was NOT bored.

    BTW officer Young, TNT was last used as a grenade filler in the MK2 “pineapple” grenade during WWII. All grenades since then have used either EC blank fire powder or composition B plastic explosive.

    Whatta maroon!

  4. Sigivald Says:

    Could be the A/N store owner was mistaken or misinformed, too.

    It’s not that I don’t think that ATFE are a bunch of maroons – they are, as a group and as an entity culture – but they tend to be maroons in a consistent and (in a way) logical way.

    They “ban” shoestrings and rubberbands because they make a gun act at least kinda-sorta like a full-auto. Daft, but it makes sense in a hostile, daft way.

    Demanding safety clips be removed from inert grenades? Doesn’t make even that kind of sense. Hostility to actual grenade ownership doesn’t explain this, nor does any legitimate safety or legal issue, so I’m reticent to assume it really was ATFE.

    It seems at least as likely that the Army removes them before selling as surplus for some byzantine reason, or that they’re actually used practice grenades that never get re-clipped, as that there’s a real ATF order here.

  5. Cactus Jack Says:

    “It seems at least as likely that the Army removes them before selling as surplus for some byzantine reason, or that they’re actually used practice grenades that never get re-clipped, as that there’s a real ATF order here.”

    Look at what Conservative Scalawag posted again;

    “Upon seeing the grenades, I had a random thought, why don’t they sell them with the safety clips. The owner was by the front door, so I asked him. He informed me that the ATF would not allow him to sell inert grenades with the safety clips, even thought their shipped with them on.”

    Now I dont think that the surplus store owner would say that the BATF would’nt let him sell the inert grenades with the safety clips still on them if it wer’nt true. With their record for bullshit it dos’nt surprise me that BATF would do so.

    And if clips on practice grenades were lost they were replaced. Leastways I never saw one without a clip on it.

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