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Chicks and Guns

Handguns 101, a bit on handgun carry permit classes:

The class qualifying Saturday was the largest yet with 27 members and more than one-third female.


Women continue to make up a greater percentage of each class and most prove to be remarkably accurate marksmen.

2 Responses to “Chicks and Guns”

  1. straightarrow Says:

    Women have much better fine motor skills and their relative lack of musculature keeps them from having competing muscle groups pulling against each other.

    Two very handy equalizers. Add a gun and beware.

  2. Joe Says:

    Incidentally, Range USA in Memphis is now offering a monthly permit class that is for women only. I think it’s great for any number of reasons, not the least of which is that – generally speaking – women are more likely to be anti-gun. I’m all for anything that reduces that demographic.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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