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Due process

Seems that 44 people on the suspected terrorist watchlist were permitted to buy guns despite a NICS check. Of course, NICS doesn’t check the terror watch list so who cares? Anyway, even if you’re on a watchlist, you’re not convicted of a crime so due process and all that.

7 Responses to “Due process”

  1. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    Due process is just a fancy dancy term you terrorist coddlers love to use! Trust the govt! Come on, you know you wanna!

  2. _Jon Says:

    So that would be ‘Do process” then?

  3. SayUncle » Lists Says:

    […] So, I wonder if this guy was on the terror watchlist? […]

  4. markm Says:

    And tens of thousands of people on the watchlist flew in commercial airliners, after a little extra hassle – and somewhere between 99.9% and 100% of these were cases of mistaken identity.

  5. dj Says:

    Who needs terrorists with g-men running around terrorizing citizens?

    And explain “due process” when your firearms rights are denied with only the FILING of a no-contact order by a ex-?

    And what “due process” is involved when your assets are seized until you PROVE they did NOT come from drug sales?

    Your reasoning of “due process” for allowing terror watchlist citizens the ability to purchase guns doesn’t hold up.

  6. straightarrow Says:

    No, dj, your use of other governmental abuses of citizens to justify one more abuse does not hold up.

    Come on! You can get more dishonest than that, if you really really try. It will be difficult, but I’m betting on you.

  7. Ravenwood Says:

    Wow. It’s gotten to be a real tin-foil hat crowd around here lately.

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