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Not funny

Need proof that incumbency protection err campaign finance reform is a joke:

If his campaign plays out the way he’s indicated that it will, Comedy Central and Colbert’s sponsor, Doritos, could be violating federal laws that bar corporations from backing political campaigns, election law experts say.

3 Responses to “Not funny”

  1. Blounttruth Says:

    Now theres justice at its finest! Colbert will get in trouble, and Clinton will get the White House…. Ahhhh the American way… Lie, cheat, and mainly steal, but make sure the sheriffs your cousin!! Laws are only for the sheeple, I’m sure Colbert will be exonerated, just as Hillary has survived the many questionable finances comming in from non existent residence in China Town…


  2. Gunstar1 Says:

    I am torn, on the one hand it is against the law… on the other hand that House has been White for a long time and I am sure the Doritos’ Marketing people have some interesting ideas for a new color scheme.

    President Colbert’s State of the Union addresses will be better than any in a long time… if ever.

  3. Gunstar1 Says:

    You have to admit, it is a little bit funny

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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