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On the pending MMM protest

Reader Clint emails that counter protests are being planned by the VCDL:

1. Antis planning protest at Richmond gun show on Saturday!
The Million Mom March/Bady Campaign is planning a protest this
Saturday at the C & E Gun Show at the Showplace in Richmond. They
are planning a “lie-in” (boy, isn’t THAT the truth!) at noon near the
building. They plan on having women dressed in black to lie down for
two-minutes to represent how long it took Cho to get his guns.

I am going to have fun with this one! Cho had to wait THIRTY DAYS to
get his 9 MM pistol. More proof that gun control is a joke. Anyway,
I hope these women bring warm bedding for the month that they should
be lying there. 😉

I plan on talking to the press (if any shows up) and our Executive
members are discussing some possible counter-protests, like a
stand-in representing those students who might be alive today if
they, or other law-abiding students or teachers, had been armed on
that fateful day.

The irony of this is that Steve Elliott, who runs C & E, is willing
to honor the MMM’s First Amendment right at the gun show, even though
he could legally ban them from the property, as it is privately
owned. If only the MMM hypocrites could honor the Second Amendment
the same way.

Steve is going to offer to let any of the protesters in for free so
they can see a gun show for themselves. I hope they go in – they
will be quite surprised by what they see.

While we are at it, let’s pack that gun show to support C & E.

And on a final note, while the MMM’s wish list for gun control would
actually make crime worse if implemented, they have a right to their
beliefs and it is important that we honor that right. That means
being polite to them, while letting the media know that the MMMs are
simply wrong on the issues.

4 Responses to “On the pending MMM protest”

  1. Lyle Says:

    Be as absolutely polite to them as possible, and they will never return the favor. They are wild, irrational beasts, and any sign of tolerance for them will be seen by them as contemptible weakness. It is called putting “chum in the water”.

    Never forget- they are not out to engage in reasoned discourse, to weigh the facts and the historical evidence and then have a thoughtful debate. They are mindless bigots, full of hate, out to destroy you with lies, brute force, or whatever else it takes.

    Your job is not to make them like you– the only way to do that is to take up their cause. These people are not on the fence and will not have their minds changed. Your job is to defeat them utterly—make fools of them, sue them, bankrupt them, prosecute them for crimes against civil rights.

  2. GreatBlueWhale Says:

    Take video cameras. Get a video record of the moonbats acting like themselves, and post the looney antics on YouTube and offer it to news outlets.

    Use telephoto, they spit.

  3. Clint Says:

    Excellent suggestion GreatBlueWhale! I will make sure that there is video there.

  4. GunMonkey Says:

    Spray the sidewalk down with a hose about 5 minutes before they stage the protest. let them lay in a cold puddle for 22 minutes.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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